“…Our platform is built using a variety of technologies, including HTML5, AngularJS, Django/Python and PostgreDB. We needed a team that could support rapid product development across the stack of these technologies, adapt quickly to changes, learn and evolve along the way. Smart IT did their best to accommodate to our needs and helped us with the new release of VideoNote…”
How It Works
The platform was developed with the intention to improve the education process. It allows lecturers to create and upload videos for on-campus and off-campus students. The growth of user and video database stimulated moving the platform to cloud. To facilitate the access to and storing of the video content, the platform was connected to AWS.
By connecting the solution source code with Amazon ec2 servers, Smart IT managed to setup the process of automated code updates for scaling the system to a larger number of servers. This allowed to connect several universities to the platform and provide each one with a unique storage space.
Videos have tags and notes with a list of topics covered during the lectures, which allows students to find the exact moment they are interested in. There is no need to watch hours of recordings. Content can be shared, edited and commented on, which helps students to work with the educational material more effectively.
Smart IT strived to make the service flexible for further updates. For that reason Smart IT developed the solution managing synchronization process of the source code with Amazon ec2 servers, created a system architecture and used front-line technologies for the web development part of project.

Striving to simplify the access and storing video content the platform was connected to Amazon Web Services. Accelerating the process the Smart IT team applied technologies like Docker containers, Container service, Amazon ec2, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon RDS to provide smooth platform operation. Thanks to the applied technologies the platform can be easily upgraded without any damage to the performance level.