“…It is always difficult to find a loyal business partner who cares for quality and project efficiency as much as you do. Smart IT is that kind of partner and we are proud to cooperate. I should say everything went smoothly from the very start. The team of Smart IT engineers was incredibly committed to the project success. They patiently and diligently processed all our change requests, which actually made this all possible…”
per month
query response
processing capacity
sales growth
Having analyzed customer requests and market tendencies, Smart IT offered a solution to the issue – smart ticket scanning and check-in terminal.
How It Works
The delivered solution (the device and Android application) were chosen as a cost effective solution meeting customer requirements – the number of controllers and overall technology flexibility. The primary solution aim was to automate the process of tickets’ authorization.
Following the project requirements stage, Smart IT created an intuitive application interface to decrease the time the registration staff needed for technology adoption. To automate the check-in process we set up local storage with the uploaded data of all sold tickets. Synchronizing with the ticket database, the solution immediately checks the necessary data – seats, date, room, performance and unique code. The authorization request is sent via the internet connection to the server, processing takes about 4 milliseconds, which provides relevant information round-the-clock.

Smart IT set up the local storage keeping all information about the sold event tickets. In case of internet unavailability, the storage continues delivering 100% relevant information.
Smart IT integrated an automatic load balancing system to ensure immediate access to information and achieve max speed of query responses. The implemented approach allows increasing server capacity in a click by reconnecting the necessary number of servers, thus, helping to avoid overload along with an unexpected system shut down.