“…Smart IT offered us a perfect solution that ideally fit our business strategy, and their experience and profound knowledge of IoT technologies left no hesitation the solution`s MongoDB/Node.Js-based backend would be literally flawless. And it happened exactly as imagined and saved our time allowing for concentrating on the front-end. At the same time, the administrative tool delivered by Smart IT enabled new functionality and optimized our service delivery efforts greatly…”
How It Works
Having entered the project, the team of Smart IT was engaged in back-end development of the system: web administration panel, Big Data analysis and Mobile apps API, while our customer’s team was in charge of iOS/Android applications.
The back-end of the system was developed from scratch, since the related systems existing on the market could not cover all the necessary functionality, along with providing a high level of quality. It was decided to use NodeJS and MongoDB to deliver the system`s back-end.
The monitoring system was developed in a way to gather and analyze data on daily users` health and fitness activities. Using a simple metric based on points, the app shows how intense users` daily activities have been and gives a powerful insight into their level of wellness. Analyzing the incoming information from every application and synchronized devices, the app forms customized offers and bonuses, delivering targeted content to users via a web administration panel. This approach allows for increasing client loyalty and growing the motivation for healthy lifestyle adoption.

Smart IT developed and implemented algorithms for Big Data processing, like data grouping and classification, applying the method of sliding windows.
Smart IT implemented new algorithms that allowed optimizing and improving the data processing mechanisms.