Using Company Directories to Choose the Right Technology Stack

Using Company Directories to Choose the Right Technology Stack


Pavel Kaplunou

To play a song, you need the notes, the musicians and the right instruments. To launch an IT project is no different. Except, the notes become the functional specification, the musicians become the software engineers, and the instruments become the technology stack. Whether you are looking for software engineering services or searching for the people, who will orchestrate the application development process, company directories can be the best place to start the search. 

The term technology stack can refer to somewhat different things when we talk about software applications or web applications. On the whole it can include a combination of some or all of the following: operating systems, web servers, databases, middleware programming and scripting languages. If you already know the instruments you need, then it is just a matter of finding the talent skilled in that technology. If you do not, it makes sense to start the search by services or by software category most relevant to you. 

There are several online directories that list companies by: the services they provide, the industries they work or have worked in, or the technology stack they offer. These include online platforms such as Clutch, G2, GoodFirms. Software company directories also release lists that present companies in specific categories, such as Best Custom Software Development Company, or Top Software Development Companies in 2020.

Respected analytics firms, such as Gartner, maintain directories of their own. There, prospective buyers can explore vendors and companies using reviews from previous clients. They can also drill into the service lines and focus breakdowns to determine if the company fits the bill.

Looking at a company’s profile page on a review directory such as Clutch, for example, you can discover its technological solutions stack. It will be split into Frameworks and CMS, Programming and Scripting, and Application platform.


Frameworks and CMS

Developers will rely on programming frameworks to facilitate the development process by eliminating the need to perform generic or low-level tasks. Frameworks offer a standardized approach to coding and using the code across different apps and modules.

To exemplify, on Smart IT’s company profile listed by popularity across clients you will find the following frameworks:

  • Zend2
  • Spring
  • Koa.js
  • React
  • .Net MVC 
  • .NET Core
  • Angular
  • Symfony 2


Clutch Frameworks and CMS section - Image 1 focus breakdown – Frameworks and CMS

Because there is a multitude of frameworks that are best suited to the task at hand, an absence of a particular one should not be cause for alert. Many companies are apt in quickly recruiting people with the needed skill-set and knowledge of required frameworks. 


Programming and scripting languages

On an annual basis a number of companies like GitHub, StackOverflow and TIOBE run surveys to position the top programming languages. Even though there are thousands of available languages out there, the top ones have most often dipped or scaled a few places over the years, kind of like cryptocurrencies.

The top programming, scripting and markup languages of 2019 according to Stack Overflow’s survey of over 87,000 reponses are:

  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • Python
  • Java
  • Bash/Shell/Powershell
  • C#
  • PHP
  • C++
  • TypeScript focus breakdown - Image 2 focus breakdown – Programming and Scripting Languages

Relying on indexes and surveys can reflect not only the frequency of programming language use, but also the communities that support them. Some of the most used languages have worldwide groups of developers, who contribute to making it accessible, bug-free and relevant. Your software development partner can be your best source of advice when it comes to selecting the right language.


Application platforms

To take Clutch into consideration once again, what the company directory refers to as Applications platforms aggregates companies which offer web hosting platforms or are cloud service providers. More commonly such providers are referred to as as PaaS or IaaS providers — those who offer Platform-as-a-service or Infrastructure-as-a-Service.

The cloud platforms you can find on Clutch:

  • AWS by Amazon
  • Azure by Microsoft
  • Google App Engine by, well, Google
  • Heroku by Salesforce
  • And several others focus breakdown - Image 3 focus breakdown – Application platforms

It is hard not to sound like a broken record, but choosing a hosting platform provider heavily depends on the type of needs you have in mind. As suggested by Smart IT CTO, Michael Astashkevich, in some cases, going for the cloud does not make sense. What is clear, however, is that a more thorough examination of business needs and forecasts (anything from daily users or anticipated use of the product or service you offer) can speak volumes as to how to approach development.


The final chord 

Company directories and review portals are an indispensable tool when looking for the technology stack to start your business or supplement your existing product or service. What is more, choosing the right partner equates to determining the best technology stack. Exploring reviews, expertise and competencies is a sure way to hit the right note in finding the right partner.

Keep in mind that a consultation usually costs a song and can help avoid having to face the music later. A simple browse of the functional requirements can reveal details you may not have accounted for before starting. Or if you have already commenced development, it will shine a light on what your current or prior team may have missed.

IT outsourcing companies like Smart IT offer full stack technology that provides end-to-end solutions for startups and enterprises. Paying attention to the notes, the musicians and the instruments is exactly the line of work the company deals in. Aggregation and review websites go to prove that finding a partner with the technology stack to match a client’s business vision has never been easier.