

Don’t Miss These July IT and Tech Conferences

Ad hoc online webinars have been springing up like mushrooms after the rain. With most, if not all, offline events transitioning into online, there is hardly a chance to free up that summer events calendar. So by now, most of us have probably developed some form of webinar fatigue. Fret not, the key to managing your events schedule is by knowing which conferences and online events to commit you time. 
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Smart IoT: Why Internet of Things Data Matters

Data generated by connected devices has accounted for an expansion of digital services. The Internet of Things has enabled a long-spanning succession of solutions for smart factories, supply chain management, video processing, wearable tech and much much more. But how exactly can IoT help initiate a data-driven transformation for businesses? 
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5 Tools and Apps Every CTO Needs to Know About

If you are a startup CTO, a startup on the lookout for a CTO, or a seasoned technology veteran, you don’t need anyone telling you there is a lot on your plate. It is a given. Navigating the maze of tasks, processes, meetings and schedules is harder the more responsibilities you have. To make that job a little easier, Smart IT has compiled a short list of tools and applications that can help a chief technology officer make the most of his or her day.
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What Startup Funding Looks Like in 2020

With everything that is going on in the world, you have to wonder what the startup scene looks like right now. Surely, the ramifications of the capital crunch and extensive lay-offs have had their impact on the startup ecosystem as well? That claim is not far off from the truth, but the crisis did not hit everyone the same. Let’s look at what startup funding looks like across the globe.
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IT and Tech Conferences To Attend in June 2020

If your email inbox has not been bombarded with webinar and virtual workshop offers, congratulations on avoiding the onslaught. If you have after all fallen victim to pesky last-minute limited offer requests like many of us and are looking for something more wholesome, you are in the right place. We have pulled a list of some IT and technology conferences that will be happening in June.

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Blockchain for Business: The Future of Facebook’s Libra

From its announcement in June of 2019, the Facebook Libra Coin project has been marred by controversy. Even the big name backers behind the venture did not drive the case in its favor. Since then the Libra Association, the organization behind the cryptocurrency, has released an updated Libra coin whitepaper, detailing amendments to how it proposes to move forward. What exactly does it mean for the crypto coin?

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Smart IoT: Digital Twin Tech

The concept of Digital Twins is not novel to the field of the Internet of Things. As the industry begins to rely more and more on automation through computerization and data exchange, this technology will make up a prominent stratum of smart manufacturing. Read on to discover what will define the fourth industrial revolution.
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How Asynchronous Communication Drives Inclusivity (and Productivity)

Managing a remote development team or a satellite workforce means adhering to a rigorous always-on policy, right? Well, not entirely. Turns out, a turn-based communication practice can instead guarantee all voices are heard and work is performed efficiently. Here is how you can make use of asynchronous communication to boost your business communication effort.
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